Wyoming Arts Council

Nancy Weidel signs new book May 5-6

Nancy Weidel, the author of the most recent book on the early history of Cheyenne, will be at the Wyoming State Museum for two book signings, May 5 and 6.

Weidel will be on hand from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., on May 5 and 4 p.m. to 6 p.m., May 6 to sign her Images of America book, Cheyenne 1867-1917. Through the use of photographs, the book explores Cheyennes early history.

Weidel, a senior historic preservation specialist for the Wyoming State Historic Preservation Office, shows the reader how the Magic City of the Plains, quickly evolved from a tent town to one of the most sophisticated cities west of the Mississippi River.

This is Weidel’s second book, her first, the widely popular Sheepwagon: Home on the Range, explores the history and mystique of the sheepwagon.

The Wyoming State Museum is located in the Barrett Building, 2301 Central Avenue in Cheyenne.

For more information about this and other State Museum programs, please call 777-7022.

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