Wyoming Arts Council

National Endowment for the Arts FY 2017 Spring Grant Announcement

The National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) just released its list of FY17 recommended grants. These are the amounts that the federal government is allocating to Wyoming for the coming fiscal year. Project details are accurate as of June 5, 2017. For the most up to date project information, please use the NEA’s online grant search system.

Number of Grants: 2
Total Dollar Amount: $745,600

  • Wyoming Arts Council (aka State of Wyoming)
    $695,600 Cheyenne, WY
    Partnerships (State & Regional)
    To support Partnership Agreement activities associated with carrying out your NEA-approved State strategic plan.
  • Jackson Hole Public Art
    $50,000 Jackson, WY
    Our Town – Design
    To support the Karns Meadow Art and Health Trail. An artist will work with health care professionals and scientists to design a circuit of interchangeable exercise stations and functional public art in the form of seating, shade structures, and viewing areas. The project is a partnership between Teton County Parks and Recreation, Pathways, JH Land Trust, JH Public Art, and St. John’s Medical Center. This project will provide health trail access to all 10,000 people in the community including residents of a nearby rural, low-income housing development.

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