Wyoming Arts Council

New books at Wyoming Writers conference

Perusing the Ralph’s Books tables at the Ramada this morning and saw new books by three Wyoming writers — probably more where that came from. Here are the titles:

“Winter in the Bunkhouse” by Helena Linn, from 7 Cross Lazy L Productions

“Two Dot Ranch: A Biography of Place” by Nancy Heyl Ruskowsky, from Pronghorn Press

“Riding the Edge of an Era: Growing up Cowboy on the Outlaw Trail” by Diana Allen Kouris, from High Plains Press.

Also plenty of other great books offered by Tami at Ralph’s Books. Authors include John D. Nesbitt, Robert Roripaugh, Amanda Cabot and Michael Shay (me). Also saw three rare copies of the anthology “Deep West: A Literary Tour of Wyoming.” I sweated blood over that 2003 anthology from Pronghorn Press. Joining me in the editing angst were Wyoming Poet Laureate David Romtvedt and former Center folr the book Director Linn Rounds.

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