Uncategorized | April 28, 2010
Jason Joyce – poet
Jason Joyce received his B.S in business administration from the University of Wyoming (UW) with a minor in creative writing. For his senior honors project, he developed a poetry workshop comprised of speaking and interactive components that brings a fresh and modern take on poetry in the classroom. He has presented his workshop at the Laramie County Library as part of their youth outreach program, to English classes at Cheyenne East High, and at the Teaching Creativity Conference, partnered by UW and Rutgers University. Jason’s goal is to make words fun, get people excited and rejuvenate poetry for his generation. Contact: 307-220-0634; e-mail: jasonrjoy@hotmail.com; website: http://www.jasonrjoyce.blogspot.com/
Rick Kempa – poet and essayist
Rock Springs
Poet and essayist Rick Kempa teaches writing and philosophy and directs the Honors Program at Western Wyoming Community College in Rock Springs. Drawing on a quarter-century of experience as an educator and professional writer, and a lifelong commitment to sharing his love of the written word, he offers one- or two-day workshops custom-designed to meet the needs and experience-level of participants, working with teens, college students, and adults. Rick offers a publishing workshop, which equips more experienced writers with the tools and techniques for pursuing publication, and gives spirited performances of his own work. Contact: 307-389-3127; e-mail: rkempa@wwcc.wy.edu ; website: www.wyomingauthors.pbworks.com/Rick+Kempa