Uncategorized | February 9, 2010
Jenny Shank reviewed Alyson Hagy’s new story collection, “Ghosts of Wyoming,” in New West.
She concluded the review this way:
With the stories in “Ghosts of Wyoming,” Alyson Hagy makes a convincing case that restless and unquiet spirits haunt her home state. Or maybe it’s just the wind.
Alyson teaches at UW and is the winner of a 2006 creative writing fellowship from the Wyoming Arts Council. She will read from “Ghosts of Wyoming” at the Albany County Public Library in Laramie on Sunday, Feb. 21, 2 p.m. She also will participate in a reading of Graywolf Press authors at the AWP Conference in Denver in April.
Read the entire New West review at http://www.newwest.net/topic/article/things_that_go_bump_in_wyoming_alyson_hagys_ghosts_of_wyoming/C39/L39/