Wyoming Arts Council

News from Story’s Laughing Bird

Tupelo and Janey Kenyon, also known as Laughing Bird (WAC roster artists), sent an update of their recent activities:

Exciting Times! Here are a few highlights . . .
* We just returned from a wonderful week at Cape Cod, Nantucket and New York City.
* In 3 weeks, we go to Stonehenge and several other inspiring sites around England.
* Janey’s novel is almost done (after 4 years), and her New York literary agent is really excited about it.
* Our winter concert tour is taking shape – we have 52 shows booked so far.
* We’re celebrating our 30th anniversary by releasing a free album, and our next CD is already half done.
* We’re both feeling happy, healthy, grateful and inspired. It’s been personally satisfying creating our free newsletter, “Inspired on Purpose,” for the last couple of years. (And it’s fun hearing from subscribers who are now enjoying more inspiration in their lives too.)
* It all feels great, and we’d like to pass it on . . .

To get your free album, “Laughing Bird’s 30 Years Anniversary Celebration” and your free subscription to the “Inspired on Purpose” newsletter, click the link below and go to our website:

You’ll also get several other freebies including a video, an ebook, an audio-book, and three special reports. (We’ve been busy!)

This is our way of saying “thank you” and giving back a heaping helping of inspiration. It feels good to pass it on as we continue to CELEBRATE LIFE!

Yours for a song,
Tupelo and Janey (Laughing Bird)

To bring Laughing Bird to your community with a Wyoming Arts Council Arts Across Wyoming grant, go to our web site at https://wyoarts.state.wy.us/ and click on the Grants/Applications link.

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