Featured News | April 21, 2014
This info comes from Suzanne Morlock of Wilson, recent winner of a WAC visual arts fellowship:
Ever wonder about artistic collaborations across disciplines? What compels artists who use different expressive forms to work together to communicate something uniquely created by the partnership? Come to the Nicolaysen Art Museum on Friday April 25 at 5:30 pm and find out! Suzanne Morlock was invited by curator Eric Wimmer to exhibit as one of three visual artists examining the Wyoming landscape in an exhibition entitled “The Nature of Things”. Along with Morlock, Wimmer curated Laramie artist Ashley Hope Carlisle and Moscow, Idaho’s, Gerri Sayler to create site-specific works at the museum. At the grand opening of the exhibition, Morlock and her collaborator Babs Case, Artistic Director of Contemporary Dance Wyoming, (Dancers’ Workshop’s resident professional modern dance company) presented a movement response to the site specific installation, Place/Displace. Performed by Meleta Buckstaff, Marissa Carr, Cady Cox, Carrie Richer and Lindsay Weatherly, a subset of the company. Push Down and Twist responded to the visual art with a movement score choreographed by Case http://vimeo.com/suzannemorlock/placedisplace . With the upcoming closing of the exhibition, the Nicolaysen Art Museum graciously hosts a closing program, a conversation and a new performance. The April performance informed by the January response is called, Push Down and Twist II. Case and Morlock will briefly describe their individual and collective process with forging this kind of collaboration. The same dancers will perform this new work and Morlock will also perform. CONTACT: Suzanne Morlock suzanne@suzannemorlock.com (307)733-0452 or (307)220-8444