Uncategorized | August 11, 2010
From a BBHC press release:
Students and aficionados of western art have a chance to delve deeper into the subject—and earn three college credits—with this fall’s Art of the American West class through Northwest College. The course takes place at the college’s Cody Center and at the Buffalo Bill Historical Center on Thursdays beginning August 26, 6:30 – 9:10 p.m. and is taught by Acting Curator Christine Brindza of the Whitney Gallery of Western Art at the Historical Center.
Through lecture and discussion, the course introduces western American art, and the many themes it represents, through a variety of media, including paintings, sculpture, prints, and photography. The Whitney Gallery’s collection will serve as the primary resource in studying the artistic conventions, traditions, styles, and perspectives represented.
Lesson topics include Emerging Themes in American Western Art; Indians of North America—First People of the West; Inspirational Western Landscape; Western Wildlife; Heroes and Legends—Cowboys and Other People of the West; among others.
“The course is a wonderful way for students to further make use of the Buffalo Bill Historical Center collections,” Brindza explains. “Students learn about the ‘whole picture’ of western art while using our collections. By personally engaging with artwork, it can greatly enhance students’ learning experiences. This course is a positive move toward further partnerships and collaborations between the Historical Center and Northwest College.”
Class size is limited so Brindza encourages interested persons to contact Northwest College as soon as possible to register. NWC classes begin August 23.
For more information, contact Brindza at christineb@bbhc.org or 307.578.4051. To learn more about Northwest College, visit www.northwestcollege.edu, and read more about the Buffalo Bill Historical Center at http://www.bbhc.org/.