Uncategorized | December 31, 2009
Dr. Randall Eaton, author of “From Boys to Men of Heart: Hunting as Rite of Passage,” will be the keynote speaker at the Big Horn Basin Outdoor Education Symposium on Saturday, Jan. 16. He will speak at the morning session at the Days Inn in Thermopolis at 10:05 a.m. His topic will be “Finding New Pathways in the Old.” At 7:05 p.m. at the Worland Community Center, he will talk about “Hunting as a Rite of Passage.”
Dr. Eaton has written and edited 14 books. They include “Cheetah: Biology, Behavior and Conservation of an Endangered Species (Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1974), which was recognized by the American Library Association as “one of the outstanding scientific-technical books of 1974.” “The Cheetah: Fastest Race on Earth, (Dutton, 1981)” was recognized as “An outstanding science book for young readers,” by the National Science Teachers Association-Childrens Book Council Joint Committee.
Two other recent books are:
“The Orca Project: A Meeting of Nations,” an anthology of story, essay and poetry, published in fall 1998.
“The Sacred Hunt: Hunting as a Sacred Path,” a 1998 anthology of story, essay and poetry.
For more information of the symposium, contact Eric Decker, Worland, 307-347-3946 or eric.decker@wy.usda.gov