Wyoming Arts Council

"Nuno Felting Deluxe" in Laramie May 9-10

MAY 9-10, 2010
Albanay County Fairgounds, Laramie

Jill Gully, is an experienced and skilled instructor in the felting arts. Students will leave her practical, hands-on workshop with completed projects and a wealth of creative ideas.

Two-day Workshop on Nuno Felting. Nuno felting merges silk with fine wool fiber to create one-of-a-kind works of art that are soft, warm, and beautiful. No experience needed.

Cost for workshop including materials fee: $250
More information or Register at www.sundogfiberart.com/Sundog_Fiber_Art/Laramie_WY_Workshops.html
E-mail: Alisa at sundogfiberart@gmail.com
Phone: Lori at Cowgirl Yarn (307) 755-9276

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