Partners in Performance calls for presenting organizations
Uncategorized | January 23, 2009
Violinist Midori
Partners in Performance is now accepting applications for the program cycle beginning in the 2010/2011 season. Application forms and full eligibility guidelines can be downloaded from Interested, qualifying presenting organizations are invited to fill out and return the application by April 1, 2009.
Partners in Performance aims to stimulate interest in recitals and chamber music, specifically in smaller communities outside the radius and without the financial resources of major urban centers. The local co-presenter keeps all proceeds of ticket sales, which are to be used in ways consistent with the goals of PiP. Through Partners in Performance, high profile artists can donate their services for concerts to galvanize community attention and offer support to smaller-scale arts presenters.
Partners in Performance provides two (2) concerts for the benefit of the selected presenting organization, whose financial obligation consists of a token administrative fee paid to PiP—drastically less than an artist’s usual fee. The two concerts will take place within consecutive concert seasons: the first, a recital by a high-profile artist such as Midori and Jonathan Biss; the second concert to be a solo or duo recital by a rising young artist with a local connection. The presenter keeps all proceeds from ticket sales, to be used at its discretion to fund future classical music projects or programs. An essential element of Partners in Performance is the opportunity for the artists to engage with the audience after the performance and with interested parties in the community.
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