Featured News | April 17, 2013
Promoting Arts in Lander Schools (PALS) is seeking a new director. This flexible, quarter-time position offers opportunities to meet with talented artists, collaborate with teachers and schools, partner with other organizations, and work to make education more engaging for Lander’s students.
The director serves as the face of PALS, and requires excellent communication, organization, and writing skills; grant writing experience; an understanding and appreciation of the arts; knowledge of how the arts and education interface; fundraising ability; and strong interpersonal skills. The director is the liaison between artists and schools, writes grant proposals and fundraising letters, creates newsletters, maintains the email list, updates the website and calendar, oversees volunteers, observes events and collects data, and maintains partnerships.
Compensation: Hourly ($25); no benefits.
For a full job description, please go to www.palswyoming.org and click on “jobs”.
To apply, send a cover letter and resume to info@palswyoming.org
Deadline: April 24.
Home page photo: WAC roster artist Matt Daly conducts a school writing workshop organized by PALS.