Wyoming Arts Council

Reminder: WyoPoets Workshop coming in April

A one-day poetry workshop honoring National Poetry Month featuring poet & artist Dawn Senior-Trask will be presented by WyoPoets, on Saturday, April 19, 2008 at the Hampton Inn,
Casper, Wyoming. Registration is $30 before March 31st and includes a critique of one poem byDawn Trask. After 3/31, the fee will be $35 and does NOT include a critique. All registration fees include refreshments, breaks and lunch.

The workshop will be held at the Hampton Inn, 400 West F St., Casper, WY, 82601, in the conference room. Ph. (307) 235-6668. From I-25 take the Poplar Street Exit. On the north side of the interstate between the Holiday Inn and El Jarro Restaurant, you’ll see the Hampton Inn.

The Hampton Inn is saving a block of rooms for those coming from out of town, at $84/night and this includes breakfast.
Download the BROCHURE (.PDF format)
or send registration: Nancy Gerlock, workshop chair, 736 East 16th Street, Casper WY 82601. Make check payable to WyoPoets.

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