Uncategorized | July 31, 2009
Lincoln Center Art in Public Places Project, Fort Collins, CO
Budget: $42,500
Deadline: Thursday August 27, 2009, 5:00pm
The Fort Collins, Colorado Art in Public Places Program seeks to commission an artist/team to work with the Lincoln Center Project Team as this city-owned Performing and Visual Arts Center undergoes significant renovations after providing 30 years of theatre, music, and art to the community. The goal of this project is to incorporate artistic concepts into the renovation design. Because of our early integration process, there may be an opportunity to leverage the construction budget to further expand the art opportunities.
Download the RFQ #7060 from the City of Fort Collins Purchasing website, www.fcgov.com/purchasing
Contact: Ellen Martin at emartin@fcgov.com, or 970-416-2789.