Uncategorized | June 8, 2007
From a University of Wyoming press release:
A free public talk by a visiting Yale University professor, “Romans, Greeks, Barbarians and Christians: Approaching the Late Roman Empire,” is the first presentation in a June lecture series supported by the Wyoming Council for the Humanities (WCH) and the UW Department of Modern and Classical Languages.
John Matthews, professor of classics and history at Yale, will start the series Sunday, June 10. All lectures are at 7:30 p.m. in Room 103 of the UW Animal Science/Molecular Biology Building.
The eighth annual Summer Classics Institute lecture series will explore the fascinating world of Late Antiquity, which generally spans the 2nd to the 5th centuries A.D., a time of spiritual ferment, new experiments in literature and philosophy and a continuing meditation on the Greco-Roman world’s long cultural heritage.
Free public lectures will be offered each evening during the institute. The Institute also offers seminars and mini-courses on the writings of Marcus Aurelius and Augustine.
The public lecture series continues Monday, June 11, as UW Classics Professor Philip Holt presents “Keep Your Philosophy Handy: Philosophy & Life Among the Greeks.”
Tuesday, June 12, the series examines daily life when Veronika Grimm, Yale University lecturer in classics, presents, “The Tastes of Ancient Greece and Rome.”
Matthews speaks again Wednesday, June 13, presenting, “From Old Rome to New: The City of Constantinople.”
The series concludes Thursday, June 14, with Barbara Ellen Logan, visiting assistant professor of women’s studies, examining the roles of women during the period in “Widows, Wives & Virgins: Women in the Early Christian Hierarchy.”
FMI: Victoria Sherry at (307) 766-9246, e-mail vfsherry@uwyo.edu.