Uncategorized | September 21, 2010
Seattle-based band, Jubilee, will team with the Bettys, UW’s women’s a capella group, Saturday, Sept. 25, at 7 p.m. in the University of Wyoming College of Agriculture auditorium to raise awareness about what ordinary citizens can do to fight human trafficking.
Jubilee will also perform an evening of Brazilian jazz with UW performers from the Luso Brazilian Club and UW music professor Rubia Santos at 7 p.m. Friday, Sept. 24, at The Gardens in the lower level of the Wyoming Union.
Both performances are free and open to the public and are funded by ASUW.
Jubilee is a collective of five abolitionists/musicians who use the stage and merchandise table to raise awareness and funds to fight modern slavery and support those recovering from its effects. Jubilee strives to be a mouthpiece for the millions of human beings under the bondage of modern slavery.
Jubilee spokesperson Curtis Romjue said 27 million men, women and children around the world are forced to lead lives as slaves. Although this exploitation is often not called slavery, the conditions are the same. People are sold like objects, forced to work for little or no pay and are at the mercy of their ’employers’.
Sponsors for the UW event include ASUW, Amnesty International, the Good Mule Project, Wyoming Law Students for Equal Justice, the UW Provost’s Office, Campus Ventures, the Luso Brazilian Club and the UW Women’s Studies Program.
Questions about Jubilee’s UW visit can be directed to Mark Peterson at markpete@uwyo.edu or (307) 766-2054. Romjue can be contacted at (903) 472-9092 or visit http://www.livejubilee.org/ and www.myspace.com/livejubilee.
Photo: Seattle-based band, Jubilee, will team with the Bettys, UW’s women’s a capella group, Saturday, Sept. 25, at 7 p.m. in the College of Agriculture Auditorium to raise awareness about what ordinary citizens can do to fight human trafficking.