Uncategorized | June 5, 2007
Entries are being sought for the 6th annual Southeast Wyoming Art Show and Sale. Artists living in Albany, Carbon, Converse, Goshen, Laramie, Natrona, Niobrara, or Platte counties are eligible to enter. Cash awards of $1,850.00 (given in 22 categories) plus two publication awards are available. Entry forms are available at Deselms Fine Art, 303 E. 17th St., Cheyenne, or are downloadable at www.DeselmsFineArt.com. There is a $15.00 entry fee for each piece, and up to five pieces may be entered. Any style and media of artwork is accepted and NOT limited to western themes. The show will be held at the Cheyenne Civic Center, 510 W. 20th St., Cheyenne, June 29th to July 31st. For more information, please contact Harvey Deselms at Deselms Fine art at (307) 432-0606 or DeselmsArt@aol.com.