Wyoming Arts Council

"Give Back to Dave Wade" in Cokeville

Intrepid blogger and community organizer Karla Toomer posted this info Wednesday on the Cokeville blog: Through the years, artist Dave Wade has supported Cokeville fundraisers through the donations of his
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"Give Back to Dave Wade" in Cokeville

Intrepid blogger and community organizer Karla Toomer posted this info Wednesday on the Cokeville blog: Through the years, artist Dave Wade has supported Cokeville fundraisers through the donations of his
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WAC board meeting Feb. 12-13 in Cheyenne

The Wyoming Arts Council will hold its quarterly board meeting on Thursday and Friday, Feb. 12-13, in the Wyoming Arts Council Gallery, 2320 Capitol Ave., in Cheyenne.On Thursday, Feb. 12,
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Artists’ charitable deduction legislation update

Thomas L. Birch, legislative counsel for the National Assembly of State Arts Agencies, sends this news: Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-VT) and Sen. Robert Bennett (R-UT) intend to reintroduce the Artist-Museum
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Artists' charitable deduction legislation update

Thomas L. Birch, legislative counsel for the National Assembly of State Arts Agencies, sends this news: Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-VT) and Sen. Robert Bennett (R-UT) intend to reintroduce the Artist-Museum
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AVA Center gets a "Clue" in February

AVA Center gets a "Clue" in February

Mack Brislawn at Laramie’s KEAG Gallery

KEAG Gallery is excited to exhibit the work of painter, Mack Brislawn (http://www.geocities.com/fran2543/) through the month of February. Opening Reception is February 6th from 6 to 8pm. The exhibit will
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Mack Brislawn at Laramie's KEAG Gallery

KEAG Gallery is excited to exhibit the work of painter, Mack Brislawn (http://www.geocities.com/fran2543/) through the month of February. Opening Reception is February 6th from 6 to 8pm. The exhibit will
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Clay makes life worth living
