Wyoming Arts Council

"Laramie: A Gem City Atlas" at UW Art Museum sees the city from other points-of-view

LuLing Osofsky, Paulius Staniunas, and Shizue Seigel, Wild Wild East, 2011, ink on paper, 22 x 34 inches, courtesy of the MFA in Creative Writing Program. From the UW Art Museum
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"Laramie: A Gem City Atlas" at UW Art Museum sees the city from other points-of-view

LuLing Osofsky, Paulius Staniunas, and Shizue Seigel, Wild Wild East, 2011, ink on paper, 22 x 34 inches, courtesy of the MFA in Creative Writing Program. From the UW Art Museum
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Breaking news: Robots take over Casper College

Poster for a W.P.A. stage performance of R.U.R., circa 1939 Robots take center stage in Casper College’s latest production: “R.U.R. (Rossum’s Universal Robots).” Under the direction of Bill Conte, theatre instructor,
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Casper College Chamber Orchestra performs Mozart May 1 at St. Mark’s

Mozart’s “Concerto for Clarinet and Orchestra in A Major and his composition “Vesperae de Dominica,” will be the highlights of the 2011 Music of the Masters Concert featuring the Casper
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Casper College Chamber Orchestra performs Mozart May 1 at St. Mark's

Mozart’s “Concerto for Clarinet and Orchestra in A Major and his composition “Vesperae de Dominica,” will be the highlights of the 2011 Music of the Masters Concert featuring the Casper
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Fifth-grader from Lander wins Arbor Day poster contest

Wyoming Arbor Day Poster winner (and budding artist) Fiachra Rottinghaus, a home-schooled fifth grader from Lander, poses with Gov. Matt Mead at the Arbor Day ceremony April 25 across from
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Call for proposals: American Film Showcase

Call for proposals: The U.S. State Department’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) announces an open competition for a cooperative agreement to administer the American Film Showcase’s Contemporary Voices
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"Starry Night" — as seen from a Landsat satellite

The USGS Earth Resources Observation & Science Center offers an image gallery of artsy shots from satellites. Here’s an example entitled “Van Gogh from Space.” In the style of Van
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"Starry Night" — as seen from a Landsat satellite

The USGS Earth Resources Observation & Science Center offers an image gallery of artsy shots from satellites. Here’s an example entitled “Van Gogh from Space.” In the style of Van
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Lander Art Center sponsors Jenny Dowd workshop

“Shelf 1 and 2,” Jenny Dowd, Porcelain, mixed media, 23 x 20 x 4, 2008 The Lander Art Center is sponsoring the following workshop: Non-Traditional Surface Design on ClayTwo-Day Workshop with Jenny
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