Wyoming Arts Council

UW English Dept. lecturer wins Golden Apple

Wyomingarts doffs its many hats to this teacher of freshman English classes (from a UW release): April Heaney’s (pictured above) colleagues praise her for dedicating so much time to her
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UW playwrights capture KCACTF awards

From a UW press release: An original one-act play by University of Wyoming senior theatre major Jaime Cruz of Evanston has been selected for competition at the national Kennedy Center
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April 17 last day for NWC student exhibit

This is the final week to view the annual showcase of work from students enrolled in the Photography Program at Northwest College in Powell. The exhibit is in the Cabre
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Make "Recycled Journals" at AVA in April

Make "Recycled Journals" at AVA in April

Live-blogging: Dancing with sculpture

What does dance have to do with sculpture? Margaret Wilson is talking about that this morning at arts symposium in Laramie. Two of her student dancers are on the panel
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Hip-hop for social justice at UW

Rosa Clemente, hip hop activist, scholar, community organizer, journalist, and 2008 Green Party Vice Presidential Candidate, will give a presentation at 9 p.m. on Wednesday, April 1, in the Wyoming
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U.S. Senate & House include artists and musicians in National Service Bill

Thomas Birch, legislative counsel for the National Assembly of State Arts Agencies, sent this announcement on March 27: Legislation approved by both the U.S. Senate and the House of Representatives
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U.S. Senate & House include artists and musicians in National Service Bill

Thomas Birch, legislative counsel for the National Assembly of State Arts Agencies, sent this announcement on March 27: Legislation approved by both the U.S. Senate and the House of Representatives
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Call for entries: Yellowstone Art Contest
