Wyoming Arts Council

Teachers attending symposium earn credits

Wyoming’s K-12 teachers will be able to attend “Public Art and Community: Inspiration and Reflection” for PTSB credit.

In addition to the more than 30 presenters who are scheduled for the symposium, round-table sessions for teachers are scheduled over the lunch hours on Friday and Saturday, April 3-4. Conversations will focus on ways to utilize art and other original resources as inspiration for teaching and learning, based on the Art Museum’s model of observe, question, explore, create, and reflect.

Participating teachers will develop ideas on how they can use original art in their own communities to achieve teaching and learning across disciplines and meet academic standards. They will also begin to build a resource portfolio of ideas that can be implemented when they return to their classrooms.

For more information, contact Wendy Bredehoft, education curator, at 307-766-3496 or wbredeho@uwyo.edu.For symposium information, registration form, and schedule of presenters, click here.

For information on “Sculpture: A Wyoming Invitational,” visit the Art Museum webpage.

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