Wyoming Arts Council

Terry Gunderson leads the Casper College Percussion Ensemble one more time

Terry Gunderson, Casper College percussionist instructor, will lead the Casper College Percussion Ensemble for the final time on Thursday, April 21, at 7:30 p.m. in Durham Recital Hall.

Gunderson, a member of the Casper College Music Department for the last 33 years, will be leaving the college to join his wife, Patty, in her new career as an architectural engineer in Washington, D.C.

“The concert will feature the music department’s remarkably talented students playing works that form a retrospective of my years here including a composition I recently completed as a final number for the ensemble, The End of the Beginning, to celebrate my final years here,” said Gunderson.

Pieces will include Warsaw 1939, the percussion sextet that opened the first concert he directed at Casper College in 1978; Fancy That, a “charming jazz number” the ensemble hasn’t played since the 1980s, featuring Matt Greenlee on vibraphone. And, as promised at last year’s concert, the group will perform Khatchaturian’s Sabre Dance, featuring Rob Benson on xylophone.

Rhythm Net, one of many works Gunderson has composed for his students over the years, and performed by the Peruvian group Takaq, can be viewed by visiting www.youtube.com/watch?v=FwQLLqOk0aY

The concert is free and open to all. Durham Recital Hall is located in the Aley Fine Arts Center on the Casper College campus.

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