Wyoming Arts Council

The gift of love

In early January, the art gallery Clay, Paper, Scissors here in Cheyenne put out a call for people to send in a valentine, which would then be “exhibited.” After Valentine’s day, all entrants would then receive a valentine in return. This one came to me yesterday, thanks Camellia!, as my exchange. It was done by art teacher assistant Michele Ragaglia, who teaches at South High School here in Cheyenne. It is 3-D, each tree, building, windows in the building, the blue pieces on the bottom are all separate pieces, puzzled together.

Click for larger image

It’s lovely verse:

Gravity….What if it moved sideways and worked only between two bodies, Bending around buildings and trees, going over mountains and under water, and at the end of the day, No matter where they went and no matter what they did, It always pulled those bodies back together/And the rest of the world was held in place by the force of their/Attraction 

If Valentine’s Day seemed commercially overdone, this reminds me that love never goes out of style, and that in the end, it’s all about love. And who better to render those emotions than talented artists such as Michele.

–Linda Coatney

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