Wyoming Arts Council

Tim Sandlin: Donate before Sept. 17 to help Jackson Hole Writers Conference get matching funds from Old Bill's Fun Run

Tim Sandlin from the Jackson Hole Writers Conference sends this:

Dear Writers,

We are happy to report another superb conference in 2010. Our visiting faculty raised the stakes yet again by revealing, then prying, into the reasons why they write… the reasons why we all write. Once inside, they probed fearlessly. Ideas circulated fast.

We framed conversation in possibility. We heard harrowing stories of success. We teased our manuscripts with fine red ink. With heels digging in rich Wyoming soil we think everyone found enough honesty, encouragement, and inspiration to sustain them through the summer and perhaps the entire year. Our deepest thank you to those who came together in June to make all this possible. A howdy-hello to those of you who better be scribbling away and planning to join us again.

While the conference is our favorite four days of the year, we spend the other 361 days making sure it will happen. Knowing we’re off to the right start lets us plan big for 2011 – reach out to the most outstanding writers and teachers in the field, and give you a Conference to get excited about.

As part of our writing community, we’re asking you to go a step further this year and become part of our philanthropic community.

Now is the time when our fundraising means the most because every dollar we raise is matched by a percentage – over 50% last year – from The Community Foundation of Jackson Hole during Old Bill’s Fun Run. It is the most innovative fundraiser in the nation, and we invite you to participate. Making a donation before September 17, 2010 will ensure that we have another remarkable conference in 2011.

As many of you may know, The Jackson Hole Writers Conference is a non-profit organization. We are writers supporting writers. Most of us are volunteers. We do it because we believe in the written word, ideas, and communication. And we know you do too.

We value donations at every level. It’s the show of your support, your attention to this art, that we appreciate most. And donating through Old Bill’s is easy and rewarding. Learn more to donate here.

Thank you in advance for your support. And let’s be sure to keep in touch.

Very Best,

from all of us here at JHWC

Questions or comments: nicole@ and tim@jacksonholewritersconference.com

Wyomingarts reminds the state’s writers that you can apply to the Wyoming Arts Council for an Individual Artist professional Development (IAPD) grant to help pay for conference costs and travel. FMI: http://www.wyomingartscouncil.org/

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