Wyoming Arts Council

U of A prof speaks about "Arizona’s Anti-Ethnic Studies Bill 1108" during UW’s Ethnic Studies Week

From a UW press release:

Leading ethnic studies researcher, Andrea J. Romero, will lead three programs Monday, Oct. 4, at the University of Wyoming.

Romero, a professor at the University of Arizona, is a key speaker during Ethnic Studies Week at UW. She will give a public lecture on “Chicano/a Students’ Engagement with Arizona’s Anti-Ethnic Studies Bill 1108: Civic Engagement, Ethnic Identity and Well-being” in the Wyoming Union East Ballroom from 6-7 p.m.

Also Monday, she will discuss “Life Span and Human Development: Positive Ethnic Identity Development for Chicano/a Youth” in the College of Education auditorium from 9-9:50 a.m.

“!El Movimiento Sigue!: How Being Engaged with Anti-Ethnic Studies Arizona Legislation Keeps Chicano/a Students Healthy” will be discussed in the Multicultural Resource Center (MRC) from 12:30-2 p.m.

Romero is a Fitch Nesbitt professor in family studies and human development and Mexican American and Raza studies. She has a Ph.D. in applied social psychology with a minor in qualitative methods from the University of Houston.

Ethnic Studies Week is sponsored by the University of Wyoming Chicano Studies Program in conjunction with Multicultural Affairs and the UW chapters of MEChA and Sigma Lambda Gamma.

Other planned activities for Ethnic Studies Week include the Ross Hall Book Club Friday, Oct. 15, from noon-1:30 p.m. in the Ross Hall Conference Room 108. Lilia Soto will lead a discussion on “Every Night is Ladies’ Night” by Michael Jaime-Becerra. This event is open to faculty, staff, students and Laramie residents. The first 10 people to register by e-mail to Chicano_Studies@uwyo.edu receive the book free.

Photo: Andrea Romero will discuss “Civic Engagement, Ethnic Identity and Well-being” from 6-7 p.m. Monday, Oct. 4, in the Wyoming Union East Ballroom.

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