Wyoming Arts Council

Upcoming signings at Sheridan Stationery Books & Gallery

Always a pleasure to receive the latest e-mail newsletter from Sheridan Stationery Books and Gallery, 206 N. Main in Sheridan. Wyomingarts especially enjoys the recipes as he/she/it is extremely hungry right now. The store also is hosting a series of pre-holiday book signings. Upcoming events:

Cathy Slikker-Vlahos

Saturday, Nov. 13, 1-3 p.m.
“A Snowman’s Gift”
God’s Love Never Melts!! Have you ever struggled with trying to explain God to your children or tried to tackle the concept of a God-in-three-persons Trinity? Author Cathy Slikker-Vlahos provides an entertaining take on these complicated concepts in her new book, A Snowman’s Gift.

Faith Keahey
Saturday, Nov. 20, 11 a.m.-1 p.m.
“Sins of the Sisters”
One winter’s day during World War I, two little girls watched out of the window of their Chicago three-story brick Victorian house, as soldiers struggled with a steel-gray casket against the fierce Chicago wind. The children tried to be invisible as the men entered their house, depositing in the front parlor the coffin carrying their uncle Jacoby. They knew this was the beginning of the end.

More news and events on the store’s Facebook page.

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