Uncategorized | April 9, 2007
UW Symphony offers its final program Thursday, April 9, 2007 — The University of Wyoming Symphony Orchestra will end its season with a concert Thursday, April 12, at 7:30 p.m. in the Fine Arts Center concert hall. Tickets are on sale now at both the Fine Arts and Wyoming Union box offices, or by calling (307) 766-6666, or on-line at www.uwyo.edu/ FineArts. The cost is $10, or $6 for students and $7 for senior citizens.
Piano Soloist Davide Cabassi to perform April 12 and 13 — Italian Piano Soloist Davide Cabassi will perform Thursday, April 12, with the University of Wyoming Symphony Orchestra, and in a public performance Friday, April 13, to conclude the UW Cultural Programs’ 2007 Spring concert series. Tickets for Friday’s performance “Titanic Struggle II” are the same prices as for Thursday’s concert.
Tickets for Friday’s Cultural Programs event cost $11 for students and seniors and $14 for others. All tickets are available at the Fine Arts Center box office, (307) 766-6666 or www.uwyo.edu/finearts.