Wyoming Arts Council

View high school art at Cheyenne exhibit

Yesterday, Wyoming Arts Council staffers Camellia El-Antably, Annie Hatch, Marirose Morris and Mike Shay installed the artwork by honorees from the 2010 Wyoming High School Art Symposium. Manny Vigil, veteran manager of the Wyoming State Museum, provided guidance and assistance throughout the process. The State Museum provided display panels and pedestals for the show.

The exhibit is in the lobby of the Barrett Building, _____________, in Cheyenne. ______ pieces, including 2-D and 3-D work, are included in the show. The WAC is pleased that symposium judges chose two pieces by intern Katie Smith of Central High School. Way to go, Katie!

Lots of reasons to visit the Barrett Building in May and June. After viewing the high school art, saunter over to the State Museum commons room for the Governor’s Capitol Art Exhibition. In this show, _____ works by ________ Wyoming artists were chosen by judge __________. There were ______________ applicants. View his year;’s selections by going to http://wyomuseum.state.wy.us/Events/CapArts2010.asp

An opening reception for the Governor’s Capitol Art Exhibition will be held on Friday, May 21, _____________. It’s free and open to the public.

Visit the museum’s historical exhibits while you’re there. And don’t forget to stop in to the Museum Store with its great selection of books and gifts and Wyoming memorabilia. Make sure to get an Wyoming Archaeology T-shirt.

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