Featured News | September 24, 2014
2014 Western Arts Alliance Insitute: The Emerging Latino Majority
November 5-9, 2014
The Pew Hispanic Center made this assessment in July 2013: “Hispanics are the largest and youngest minority group in the United States. One- in-five schoolchildren is Hispanic. One-in-four newborns is Hispanic. Never before in this country’s history has a minority ethnic group made up so large a share of the youngest Americans. By force of numbers alone, the kinds of adults these young Latinos become will help shape the kind of society America becomes in the 21st century.”
WAA’s renowned biennial retreat, formerly known as the Leadership Institute, is back — rechristened the WAA Institute — and heading south to San Antonio, Texas, the epicenter of a New America. It’s an extraordinary city: historic, young, vibrant, funky, majority Hispanic, but culturally diverse. “San Antonio is a peek at the Texas of tomorrow and the America of tomorrow,” says former Mayor Julian Castro.” “We’ve called it the new face of the American dream.”
The San Antonio program, November 5-9, 2014, will focus on the biggest demographic shift in American history: The Emerging Latino Majority. This inevitable and accelerating demographic transformation will affect arts and culture, politics, business, and education for decades to come. We have a long way to go before these facts are reflected in our audiences or in our planning, programming, marketing, boards, leadership, staff, and volunteers. The WAA Institute 2014 is a first step.