Wyoming Arts Council

Work by visiting Native-American artists on display at Colter Bay Indian Arts Museum

Check this out on your travels through GTNP:

Grand Teton National Park sponsors a program for visiting American Indian artists at the Colter Bay Visitor Center and Indian Arts Museum. Artists participating in the program represent tribes from across the U.S. Guest artists exhibit daily. Monday-Sunday from 9 a.m.-7 p.m. in the lower level of the Colter Bay Indian Arts Museum. Artists also offer their finished work for purchase.

Through May 30 — Willie and Debbie LaMere, Shoshone, knapping, beadwork and flint

Admission to GTNP will be free on the weekend of June 5-6.

FMI: 3070-739-3393 and http://www.nps.gov/grte/index.htm

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