Wyoming Arts Council

World champion hoop dancer Jasmine Pickner-Bell to perform in Cheyenne

hoop dance

Hoop dancer Jasmine Pickner-Bell

World Champion Hoop Dancer Jasmine Pickner-Bell to Perform at UUCC

Please join us at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Cheyenne, 3005 Thomes Avenue, to partake in a wonderful evening of Native American Hoop Dancing on Friday, February 20 at 6:30 p.m.

Jasmine Pickner -Bell is a two time world champion hoop dancer and one of only a few women who perform the Hoop Dance in the nation. As a member of the Crow Creek Dakota Sioux Tribe, Jasmine travels the globe performing and instructing the Sacred Hoop Dance.

Suggested donation of $7 per person.

FMI: www.facebook.com/hoopinitdakotastyle

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