Featured News | July 2, 2014
News from the Wyoming Arts Alliance:
The Wyoming Arts Alliance is pleased to announce that the annual Block Booking Conference will be in Casper Wyoming and take place on Saturday, October 4, at Casper College, New Music Building, Wheeler Performance Hall. (Click here to read more about CC Music Bldg)
WyAA convenes presenters, artists, and art organizations from around the state, as well as our neighbors in surrounding states, in order to achieve our goal of bringing the best in arts programming to the region. 2014 will have a direct focus on exhibit space where networking and hospitality come together in one room.
Artists can share their work with presenters of all sizes.
Presenters have the opportunity to access artists in a variety of fields to fit a wide range of programming needs and budgets.
Please mark your calendars to join us. Artist applications are available and showcasing spots will go quickly. Contact – Karmen Rossi | Executive Director, at karmen.rossi@wyomingarts.org today!
Plan on joining us in October!Together we are stronger.