Featured News | October 3, 2019
The Engineering Education and Research Building (EERB) on the University of Wyoming campus in Laramie, courtesy of the University of Wyoming.
The Wyoming Arts Council announces two new public art calls. Each project has issued a national Request for Qualifications (RFQ) open now on CaFE (callforentry.org). Wyoming artists will be given preference. The deadline to apply to either RFQ is Nov. 15.
Central Wyoming College, located in Riverton, Wyo., is constructing a new Agriculture and Animal Science Center. The new facility will house programs in Agriculture, Crop and Soil Sciences, Equine Studies, and Farrier Science, as well as the CWC Rodeo team and a meat processing program.
The committee is interested in work for the exterior of the building by the main entrance that helps define the building and the programs it houses. They are interested in work that visually guides people toward the entrance.
The University of Wyoming recently completed construction on the Engineering Education and Research Building (EERB) in Laramie. The new facility includes various laboratory spaces, a makerspace, student innovation and project space, and the Dean’s office.
The committee has identified several locations that may be conducive for artwork: both entryways, common areas around the building, or the central area/atrium in the center of the building. The committee is more interested in monumental, sculptural, or relief work, and is less interested in 2D work.
Additional details, including eligibility requirements, timelines, and budget information are available on CaFE and on the Wyoming Arts Council website. Submissions to the RFQs must be made through CaFE by the deadline listed. There is a separate committee for each project, tasked with reviewing applications, selecting finalists, and making the final artwork selection. The selection processes for APB projects are independent of each other.
Wyoming artists are encouraged to apply. Art in Public Buildings legislation for the State of Wyoming is administered through the Wyoming Arts Council.
For more information, please contact Rachel Clifton with the Wyoming Arts Council at rachel.clifton@wyo.gov or 307-256-0500.
An aerial view of the Agriculture and Animal Science Center on the Central Wyoming College, courtesy of Amundsen Associates, LLC.