Wyoming Arts Council

"Wyoming Folks: are afraid" airs May 28

SPCR videographer Dean Petersen (and indie filmmaker) sends news about some upcoming projects airing on Wyoming Public Television:

I wanted to let everyone know that Wyoming PBS is slated to play “Wyoming Folks: are afraid,” May 28 at 8:30 p.m. I wanted to thank Anne Hatch for helping get this thing going as well as Mike Shay and all the great instructors at UW for being in it.

Today I sent PBS a copy of “Wyoming Folks: don’t hibernate,” our latest show about winter activities in our parks and on our trails. Also sent was, “Wyoming Folks: men in blue,” about living history buffs operating in our state historic sites.

I hope these videos will encourage interest in our sites and programs from all kinds of folks.

Slated for production in the next four months are:

  • “Wyoming Folks: play Oregon trail,” about 20-somethings retracing the Oregon trail as they learn it’s not just a popular video game from the 1980s 🙂
    (taping starts this month)
  • “Wyoming Folks: the great American camp out”, about camping activities, camping traditions and why we do them (camp fire stories, camp fire recipes, camping tales, etc.)
  • After National History Day contestants return from the final competition on the east coast, I will finish editing a piece about that contest, however I am not sure it will be broadcast length.

Please let me know of any questions or concerns you have about these programs as well as ideas you have for programs as well. E-mail dpeter5@state.wy.us.

Here is the link to the PBS program guide for May: http://www.wyoptv.org/guide/2009_May_Guide.pdf

EDITOR’S NOTE: Yes, Mike Shay of wyomingarts fame is featured in “Wyoming Folks: are afraid.” Its all about scary stories and urban myths. Be very afraid.

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