Wyoming Arts Council

Wyoming’s Health & Wellness through the Arts Census

The Wyoming Arts Council is taking a census of arts programming related to Health & Wellness. If you are based in Wyoming, and if you are in the Healthcare, Aging, Military or Disabilities sectors, please take a moment to participate. The census will take 10-15 minutes to complete and will close December 31, 2016.


We hope to use the information you provide to help us:

a) Identify best practices to enhance and share with colleagues around the state,
b) Identity areas were the arts aren’t accessible and target those for additional assistance and support, and
c) Evaluate the interest, resources and challenges for implementing Health & Wellness through the Arts programming.

The Arts Council defines Health & Wellness arts programs as activities that encourage the participation in or the creation of visual, written or performing arts and are designed for or promoted to clients/visitors/customers/audiences within the Healthcare, Aging, Military and Disabilities sectors.

If you have advice, concerns and questions, please contact Annie Hatch, Health and Wellness through the Arts Specialist, at 307-777-7721 or anne.hatch@wyo.gov.

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