Wyoming Arts Council

Dan Hayward photo wins "People's Choice Award" at Governor's Capitol Art Exhibit

From a press release by Gary Schoene of the SPCR Public Information Office: Five Wyoming artists received purchase awards totaling $8,300 during the Governor’s Capitol Art Exhibition reception recently held
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Card-making workshop with Carol Richards

Gallery reception and "Footloose" at Cam-Plex

Next Thursday, May 14, will be a busy one at the Cam-Plex Heritage Center in Gillette.From 4-6 p.m., the Cam-Plex gallery hosts a reception for Karen Jensen and her exhibit
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Gallery reception and "Footloose" at Cam-Plex

Next Thursday, May 14, will be a busy one at the Cam-Plex Heritage Center in Gillette.From 4-6 p.m., the Cam-Plex gallery hosts a reception for Karen Jensen and her exhibit
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Virginia student wins Poetry Out Loud honors

Danielle Then, a student at Guernsey-Sunrise High School, traveled to Washington, D.C., last week to compete in the Poetry Out Loud national finals. Last fall, Danielle was chosen the Wyoming
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Season begins for 2010 WAC fellowships

At this time each year, my thoughts turn to the Wyoming Arts Council fellowship programs.As most of you know, the WAC offers fellowships in four categories: creative writing, Blanchan/Doubleday, performing
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"Going Green Party" May 7 in Laramie

You are invited to a “Going Green Party” to celebrate the release of the new book, “Going Green: True Tales from Gleaners, Scavengers and Dumpster Divers,” on Thursday, May 7,
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"Going Green Party" May 7 in Laramie

You are invited to a “Going Green Party” to celebrate the release of the new book, “Going Green: True Tales from Gleaners, Scavengers and Dumpster Divers,” on Thursday, May 7,
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Read updates on search for poet Craig Arnold

To read the latest updates on the search for missing University of Wyoming poetry professor and WAC roster artist Craig Arnold, go to this Facebook group: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1700779545#/group.php?gid=74254019683&ref=mf

Brochure now online for CLTP’s Summer Theatre Academy

The new brochure for the Cheyenne Little Theatre Players’ Summer Theatre Academy is available online at http://www.cheyennelittletheatre.org/_pdfs/Summer%20Academy%202009%20Newsletter.pdf
