Wyoming Arts Council

Join us in Cheyenne Feb. 12 for the Governor’s Capitol Art Exhibition reception

Some of Wyoming’s finest artists will be recognized as Gov. Matt Mead makes the Purchase Award presentations during the 2015 Governor’s Capitol Art Exhibition reception at the Wyoming State Museum
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Join us in Cheyenne Feb. 12 for the Governor's Capitol Art Exhibition reception

Some of Wyoming’s finest artists will be recognized as Gov. Matt Mead makes the Purchase Award presentations during the 2015 Governor’s Capitol Art Exhibition reception at the Wyoming State Museum
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Piatigorsky Wyoming Tour kicks off Oct. 31 in Rozet

The Piatigorsky Fall 2014 Tour of Wyoming features Evan Drachman on cello and Doris Stevenson on piano. The Piatigorsky Wyoming Tour is sponsored by the Thickman Family Foundation and coordinated
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Public invited to attend Wyoming Arts Council Board events Nov. 6-7 in Sheridan

The Wyoming Arts Council will hold its quarterly board meeting in Sheridan on Nov. 6-7. It will be held in the Sagebrush Community Art Center, 201 E. Fifth St. Beginning
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Wyoming Arts Council announces job search for Cultural Resources Specialist

The Wyoming Arts Council is accepting applications for a Cultural Resources Specialist — Arts Program Specialist. For job details, and to apply if interested, click here: http://agency.governmentjobs.com/wyoming/default.cfm To find the job
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How do I apply to be on the Wyoming Arts Council artist roster?   

Applications are due Dec. 1 for the Wyoming Arts Council artist roster. Apply at the CaFE site.  We accept applications for the artist roster once a year, from October 1 to December
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Georgia Rowswell conducts “Draped Vessels” workshop at The Nic in Casper

DRAPED VESSELS WITH GEORGIA ROWSWELL AT THE NICOLAYSEN ART MUSEUM Saturday, October 4: Noon–5 p.m. (Please pre-register and pay by September 29th) Fees: $45 for members, $30 for students with
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Georgia Rowswell conducts "Draped Vessels" workshop at The Nic in Casper

DRAPED VESSELS WITH GEORGIA ROWSWELL AT THE NICOLAYSEN ART MUSEUM Saturday, October 4: Noon–5 p.m. (Please pre-register and pay by September 29th) Fees: $45 for members, $30 for students with
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Michael Lange named new manager of the Wyoming Arts Council

Our Wyoming Arts Council colleague Michael Lange has been named the new WAC manager. Lange replaces Rita Basom, who recently retired. For the past two years, Lange, a native of Riverton,
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“Art of the Hunt” wants your images, recipes and stories

This call comes from WAC arts specialist and folklorist Anne Hatch: “Art of the Hunt” is a research project to gather and document the traditions, stories, and skills of hunters
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