Wyoming Arts Council

Arts Accessibility

The Wyoming Arts Council envisions a state where all arts programming is fully accessible. We are committed to providing universal access to all of our events and programs, and assisting our grantees in their accessibility efforts.

The WAC advocates for full access to the arts through individualized assistance to grantees in their efforts to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (504) requirements.  All WAC grantees are required to complete an Accessibility Checklist, a  504 Self Evaluation or a Plan during the grant period.

WAC’s most recent 504 Self-Evaluation Workbook was completed in December 2022.

The Wyoming Arts Council seeks to increase accessibility to the arts across the state. Resources available to this end include our Arts Access Project Grant.

Additional resources can be found on our ADA/504 Compliance For Grantees webpage.


Organizations should consider the following:

  • Clear entry signage
  • Exhibits (label height, approaching distance, floor space)
  • Impaired Hearing (captioning, assistive listening devices, sign language interpreter, etc.)
  • Impaired Vision (large print, audio/video description, Braille, touch tours)
  • Parking
  • Policy on accessibility and plan for improvement (written)
  • Seating (oversized, companion seating, integrated, dispersed)
  • Staff/Volunteer training on Accessibility
  • Telephone Access (TDD, TTY, Amplifier, other)
  • Use of Accessibility symbols on signage, promotional/informational materials
  • Venue (doors, elevator/lift, handrails, indoor/outdoor ramps, restrooms, lighting)
  • Website (tagging, text only option)


Being accessible also includes creating programs for people with limited opportunities to participate in the arts. Following is a partial list of options to make arts programs inclusive:

  • Discounted or Free Tickets or a Sliding Scale Fee (economically disadvantaged)
  • Impaired learning accommodations (incl. for the developmentally disabled)
  • Direct Outreach to Ethnic or Cultural Groups (Hispanic, Native Americans, Basque, Korean)
  • Direct Outreach to institutionalized people
  • Direct Outreach to low-income populations
  • Direct Outreach to Older Adults (seniors)
  • Direct Outreach to other special populations (migrants, energy workers, etc)
  • Direct Outreach to people with disabilities
  • Direct Outreach to youth at risk  and partnerships with service organizations (Boys & Girls Club, Senior Center)

The WAC Accessibility Coordinator is available to assist in accessibility efforts, including finding resources, help completing a 504 Self-Evaluation, Accessibility Plan, or Checklist, or to submit an ADA grievance. Contact WAC Accessibility Coordinator Cashmere Balland at 307-214-7819 or cashmere.balland@wyo.gov.

Contact: Cashmere Balland
